Dark Matter Explained


Explaining Dark Matter


Scientists are working to solve myriad mysteries in the enormous span of space and time that is the cosmos. The presence of dark matter, which is thought to account for a sizeable amount of the universe’s stuff, is one of these mysteries, and it is one of the most interesting. We will examine what dark matter is, how it was found, and what is currently known about it in this blog.

Describe Dark Matter.

Telescopes and other devices that detect light can’t see dark matter, a kind of stuff. Since it doesn’t emit, absorb, or reflect light or any other type of electromagnetic radiation, it is referred to as being “dark.” By gazing at the stars or galaxies or using other conventional observational techniques, it cannot be seen.

Although being undetectable, dark matter’s gravitational effects have allowed scientists to deduce its existence. Gravitational interactions between dark matter and ordinary matter cause them to clump together and create massive structures like galaxies and clusters of galaxies.

How did Dark Matter get its start?

Galaxies’ rotation was seen, and this provided the first proof of dark matter. Scientists discovered that galaxies’ outer regions were rotating far more quickly than would be predicted from the galaxy’s observable matter content. This disparity implied that the galaxy had more matter than could be seen and that this invisible mass was pulling the visible matter towards it through gravity.

Observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), a consequence of the Big Bang, provided more support for the existence of dark matter. The CMB offers crucial clues about the early cosmos since it effectively depicts the universe 380,000 years after the Great Bang. It was discovered that the CMB’s temperature varied, however it only displayed slight changes that were compatible with the existence of dark matter.

What do we understand regarding dark matter?

Despite the fact that dark matter is enigmatic, scientists have been able to make some reasonable assumptions regarding its characteristics. For instance, since dark matter does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, they are aware that it does not interact with it. They also understand that it must have a “cool” character, or travel slowly in comparison to light speed. This is because dark matter would affect the structure of the universe differently from what is seen if it were travelling at relativistic speeds.

WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles), axions, and sterile neutrinos are only a few of the particle possibilities put forth by scientists as dark matter contenders. Yet none of these particles have been directly found yet.


One of the greatest mysteries in contemporary physics is dark matter, whose secrets are still being unlocked by researchers. Even though we do not yet understand the composition of dark matter, we do know that it is fundamental to the evolution of the universe’s structure. We intend to better comprehend this enigmatic element and its function in the universe by investigating the consequences of dark matter on the cosmos in the future.

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